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Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽 SSG Singing Contest 2024

Get ready to meet 8 energetic and talented Sunshine Boyz & Girlz! They're hitting the stage at The Markham Peoples Theatre on August 24th (Saturday) at 8pm. They'll showcase their singing skills and compete for the Champion title, Showmanship Award, and People's Choice Award.

Have a favourite among them? Soon, you can vote online for the "People's Choice Award". By voting, you could win a cool $500 cash prize. Don't miss the excitement—it's going to be a fantastic show!

Sunshine Generations 已選出 8 位擁有亮眼外型和出色歌藝的入圍 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 參賽者進入決賽,將於 8 月 24 日, 晚上八時,在「萬民大劇院」決賽中一較高下,競逐「全場總冠軍」、「最佳台風獎」和「網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎」。所有奬金總值 $4,500。

8 位 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 當中,你最喜愛哪一位?由網民選出的「網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎」票選快將於網上進行, 投選你心中的摯愛,得票最高的參賽者將獲得「網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎」殊榮及獎金$500,而所有參與投票的人士均自動進入大抽獎,贏取 $500 現金獎。

Application has ended. Finalists will be announced in mid July.

Sunshine Generations is a star-studded talent show organized by a Fairchild Radio, which has been eagerly anticipated by young Canadians for many years. After few years hiatus, Sunshine Generations makes a comeback in 2024 with a brand new approach, presenting itself in the form of a singing competition. Application is now open to all Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants aged between 15 and 27 who are currently residing in the province of Ontaria or Quebec. 

Sunshine Generations 是加拿大中文電台主辦的星級選秀活動,多年來一直受到加國年輕人的熱切期待。闊別多年,2024 年 Sunshine Generations 憑嶄新姿態再次回歸,以歌唱比賽的形式與大家見面!「Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽」正式全面展開,歡迎年齡介乎 15 至 27 歲、現居住於安大略省或魁北克省的加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埗移民參加。

Finale 決賽日期

August 24, 2024 (Saturday) @ Markham Peoples Theatre for the Performing Art 萬民大劇院

Awards 獎項

  • Champion 冠軍 (cash prize 獎金 $3,000)
  • Best Showmanship Award 最佳台風獎 (cash prize 獎金 $1,000)
  • People's Choice Award網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎 (cash prize 獎金 $500; the voter selected through lucky draw will also win cash prize $500, 被抽中之投票者可得獎金 $500)

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