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Eligibility 參賽資格

  • Aged between 15 and 27 (age as of the date of the Finale) 年齡介乎15至27歲(以決賽當天為準)
  • Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant of Canada 加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埠移民
  • Resident of Ontario or Quebec 安大略省或魁北克省之居民

Entry Fee 報名費

CAD $40 (Tax included連稅) (Non-refundable 不能退還)

Entry Fee 即場報名費

On June 22, 2024, the on-site application fee is CAD$60 (Tax included, cash only).
2024年6月22日即場報名費為加幣60元 (連稅,只收現金) (Non-refundable不設退款)

Deadline 截止日期

11:59pm, June 17, 2024 (EST)

Audition 初賽日期

June 22, 2024

Finale 決賽日期

August 24, 2024 (Saturday) @ Markham Peoples Theatre for the Performing Art 萬民大劇院

Awards 獎項

  • Champion 冠軍 (cash prize 獎金 $3,000)
  • Best Showmanship Award 最佳台風獎 (cash prize 獎金 $1,000)
  • People's Choice Award網上最 Like Sunshine 大獎 (cash prize 獎金 $500; the voter selected through lucky draw will also win cash prize $500, 被抽中之投票者可得獎金 $500)

Things You Need for Application 報名所需資料

  1. Completed Entry Form (if the Contestant is under 19 as of the date of application, please have a legal guardian fill out the Guardian Information section of the Entry Form) 填妥之參加表格 (假如參賽者在遞交參加表格當天尚未滿19歲,其監護人必須填報監護人資料)。
  2. (a) A Photo (jpeg); (b) a 1-2 minute Video (mp4) of the Contestant singing a song live with or without accompaniment; (c) a MMO (instrumental accompaniment without vocal) of the song (mp3 or WAVE) that will be performed during Audition (a) 參賽者照片(jpeg); (b) 一段長度 1- 2分鐘之參賽者清唱、伴奏演唱或自彈自唱視頻 (mp4); (c) 初賽時將會演唱歌曲的伴奏音樂 (mp3 或 WAVE)。
  3. Entry Fee報名費CAD $40 (Tax included連稅) (Non-refundable 不設退款)。
  4. On-site Application Entry Fee 即場報名費:On June 22, 2024, the on-site application fee is CAD$60 (Tax included, cash only) (Non-refundable). 2024年6月22日即場報名費為加幣60元 (連稅,只收現金) (不設退款) The Contestant is required to submit the completed application form, a fee of CAD$60 (tax included, cash only) (Non-refundable), and a USB with instrumental music of the Audition song (mp3 or WAVE) at the audition venue within the specified audition period. The organizer will not accept instrumental music through mobile phones. 參賽者必須在指定時段內,將填妥之參加表格及報名費加幣60元 (連稅,只收現金) (不設退款)連同儲存試音歌曲的純音樂儲存在USB記憶棒(mp3或 WAVE),一併交到試音場地,以作即場試音之用,大會恕不接受「手提電話」播送。

Apply in person 親身報名Download form 下載表格

  1. Drop-off the completed Entry Form, Entry Fee and a USB saved with (a) a Photo; (b) the Video (mp4); (c) the MMO (mp3 or WAVE) to Fairchild Radio Toronto (151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-29, Markham, ON L3R 3B1). 填妥及簽署參加表格,連同報名費及儲存有 (a) 參賽者照片 (jpeg); (b) 一段長度 1- 2分鐘之參賽者清唱、伴奏演唱或自彈自唱視頻(mp4) ;(c) 初賽時將會演唱歌曲的伴奏音樂(mp3或 WAVE)的 USB 記憶棒,一併遞交至加拿大中文電台多倫多辦事處(151 Esna Park Drive, Unit 26-29, Markham, ON L3R 3B1)。
  2. If pay by cheque, please make it payable to “Fairchild Radio Group Ltd.”.如以支票繳付報名費,抬頭請寫上“Fairchild Radio Group Ltd.”。

Entry Form 參加表格

Contestant 參賽者

If the Contestant is under 19 as of the date of application, please have a legal guardian fill out the following information. 假如參賽者在遞交參加表格當天尚未滿19歲,必須由監護人填報以下一欄。

Contestant's Guardian 參賽者之監護人

Contestant Singing Video & Photo 參賽者唱歌照片、視頻及音頻

Fairchild Radio shall not be held responsible if the Contestant’s Entry Form and related materials cannot reach Fairchild Radio before deadline due to technical reasons such as internet performance. 如因網絡線路繁忙或其他技術原因,而令參賽者之參加表格及相關物件未能在截止日期前傳送到本台,本台概不負責。

付款 Payment

CAD $40 Entry Fee (included HST) payable online. Make sure the name is that of the credit card holder. 網上以信用卡繳付加幣 $40 (已包含HST)報名費,請填上信用卡持有人之姓名。

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions

Contestants who have not been selected will not be notified individually. 落選的參賽者將不作個別通知。 Fairchild Radio shall retain the Contestant’s information for the purpose of coordinating the“Sunshine Generations Singing Contest 2024”. All information shall be kept confidential and destroyed when the Event is completed. 加拿大中文電台將保存參賽者資料用作「Sunshine Generations 新一代歌唱比賽 2024」之用。所有資料將絕對保密,並於比賽結束後銷毀。